If you wanted to look like a particular movie star, you’d have to change some things about yourself. You might have to dye your hair, buy a new dress, or wear heavy makeup. But underneath all that glam, you’d still be the same person.
But changing, being transformed, to reflect the image of our immeasurably more God means more than changing ourselves on the outside. We’ve got to allow the Spirit to change us internally.
Wendy looks in Romans 12 this week to discover Paul’s “how-to” advice for letting God transform us into the person God created us to be—keeping the form of our inner reality. Let’s watch together and see how this transformation comes about.
Remember to use the Reflection Questions that follow this week’s teaching summary to help you work through this subject on your own or with a group of your friends.
Tune in again tomorrow on Facebook for the Live event with Wendy Pope and her special guest and friend, Linda Schoch!
Remember that you can watch the video live, right as Wendy is speaking (and say hello in real time during the video), or you can come back and watch it later. Make sure you are following the Facebook group, so you’ll get updates when it’s time for the live event to begin.
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Click here to view last night’s video!