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All LessonsWeek 2

Week 2 – Monday

By January 16, 2019January 18th, 20193 Comments

Hi again, friends!

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading along in Yes, No, & Maybe by Wendy Pope. If you still need your own copy, you can get one here. This week we’re going to look at what it means to live a new life in Christ after we’ve said YES to God. In his letter to the Romans, Paul talks about putting to death our old sinful selves and what it means to live new lives through Christ (Romans 6–7).

Living new lives means getting rid of obstacles that keep us from God and cultivating an obsession with saying yes to God instead. How do you do that? Listen this week to what Wendy highlights from Paul’s words as she lays out for us the special features of our new lives in Christ.

Just like last week, download your Sneak Peek of the week. We encourage you to read over the Bible verses for this week’s study too.

Think about this: what have you said yes to already this week?


  • Gloria says:

    I am so confused as what to do, I really slow at this, Can anyone help? ok I printed out the papers, I read chapters what we had to read, stuck on those sheets from Sneak peak of the week, I don’t understand that page, that threw me off bad, well some of it

    • Sierra Stieb says:

      Hi Gloria –

      I am so sorry for the confusion! The Monday Sneak Peek of the week document is more for your own personal use. We made this so you can reference the weekly readings, Bible Lessons, and you can write in your personal prayers.
      Feel free to use it how it works best for you!

  • Annette Hunter says:

    I honestly thought I had no real obstacles to saying yes … I give God the 1st part of my waking, at first I would see what the verse of the day was.. now when I wake I start to pray over my children, now grown, and my grandchildren. Here is what just hit me, I am praying for them, but out of what I want to see done. Knowing you have a child battling addiction when that same child was soon fire to serve the Lord, and praying for those chains to be broken as only I know the Lord can do… I took to writing my prayers out and one day I noticed a great deal of “I’s”. As in “I want my daughter back” “I want this…or I want that” and in doing this journey with you all, I realized that all my “I wants” were and are getting in the way of what God wants.
    My best yes to God has to come from a place of obedience and following His will for my life and allow Him to work His will in the lives of my children, especially the one whose denying she is doing anything wrong, still loves God, but feels she is “finding herself”. I have to still be the praying Momma, but I need to step aside and allow God to work it out in His time and stop trying to offer my assistance…you know as a long time retail manager I know how things should be done and can help see to it…
    That being said, what an eye opening moment when asked what is standing in my way of obedience to the Lord… my prayers of want for me…in the words of ‘Lord, bring them back, help them be who “I” want them to be, what “I” know them to be and how “I” raised them to be.’ To now saying here they are Lord have Your way with them, Your timing and Your healing of the children You blessed me with. Heal them for Your service and furthering of Your kingdom, not mine.

    I am so thankful for this study.

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